Artwork of the week - David B. Russel: Michael Jackson Moonwalker storyboard

David B. Russel: Michael Jackson Moonwalker storyboard

Michael Jackson's trademark, the moonwalking inspired many people: in 1988 a film was made, and soon it was adapted into video game and comic book as well. For the comics, an enormous licensing fee was paid by Blackthorne Publishing, - which was the fifth largest U.S. comics publisher house that time, - thinking it would be an automatic hit. Sadly, they thought wrong, and the comics flopped — a significant financial hit that helped sink Blackthorne, only five years after its launching.

The Moonwalker comic book was released in the 3D line: Anaglyph 3D allows to see flat images in three dimension - thanks to the special technique and the 3D glasses -, intesifying the reader's experience.

This page is in an earlier stage in the method: they are not differentiated by color (commonly red and green), but the captions are already inlayed.

/Eszter Komornik/