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Emese Udvardy's paintings

Exhibition date: 
16 May - 15 June 2002


- children's games -

kArton Galéria is glad to present Emese Udvardy's first single exhibition who graduated at Magyar Képzomuvészeti Egyetem (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts) at the Painting Department in 2001. Applying traditional tools and techniques the artist paints objects, children, objects used by children, subject pictures or situations in life, unusual scenes related to symbols or mysticism. During her studies atAcademy, she started painting children using photos from the family's or friends' archives. The atmosphere of these pictures were characterised by their colours. Later she searched for photos matching those themes chosen by herself.

These paintings show the child sometimes in rather unusual - it is difficult to decide if deeper but rather bizarre in surface as well - situations having an own meaning; or sometimes as portraits though these pictures are 'still photos' with philosophical atmosphere highlighting the child as 'one living in the being'. Certainly, the child may only be a tool referring to deeper connections of a situation. Besides her diploma work, composed of four pictures titled Labyrinths (rat, fruit, mythical face decorating, small child) kArton also exhibits her four new paintings and her photo series as well. As Udvardy does not provide any hooks to understand correlations in the meaning (provided if there is any, or if we really want to find any), we are in need of an absolute fantasy or deep relaxation. It is a bit like dreaming. We stay in our own dimensions though it is as if feeling embarrassed. But it only slips away.


Született: Budapest, 1978.04.30. •1987 Nádasdy Kálmán Mûvészeti Iskola Mesterek: Radóczy Mária, Kárpáti József, Neuberger István •1990 Fővárosi Képző- és Iparművészeti Diákbiennálé díja (festészet/tuzzománc) •1992-96 Képző- és Iparművészeti Szakközépiskola, festő szak Mesterek: Nemes Csaba, Szűcs Attila, Záborszky Gábor •1995 Budapesti Középiskolai Rajzverseny (IV. hely) •1996 Képzo- és Iparmuvészeti Szakközépiskola, Nívódíj •1996-2001 Magyar Képzomuvészeti Egyetem, festo szak Mesterek: Károlyi Zsigmond, Nemes Csaba, Radák Eszter •2001 MAOE Diploma-díj

CSOPORTOS KIÁLLÍTÁSOK •1999 Radóczy Mária Galéria, Budapest •2000 Andy Warhol Recicled 2, Fészek, Budapest Jazz Galéria, Budapest •2001 "Ajándék", Budapest "Folyt. Köv.", Magyar Képzomuvészeti Egyetem, Budapest "Tanulóévek", Artus Stúdió Galéria, Budapest "Tigrisek, gepárdok és leopárdok", Dovin Galéria, Budapest •2002 "Shopping", Új Galéria, Pécs